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Writer's picturekelliekaminskas

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

I cannot believe Easter is this coming Sunday! Some of my favorite memories growing up always involved Easter. We'd have egg hunts in my grandfather's backyard, get all dressed up in fun dresses, coloring eggs, and my Mom always made the best Easter baskets. Even up until she passed away when I was twenty-five, she was still doing a basket every year for my sister and I. I cherish those memories so much! My son has absolutely loved Easter all of his little life. He loves to do the egg hunt, and he squeals every time he sees his basket waiting for him on Easter morning. There's something about that innocence about these magical days that never seem to get old. Easter is such a fun time, because to me I think it has less pressure than Christmas time in regards to doing things with your kids. Plus, the weather is finally starting to get more tolerable in Connecticut so being able to go outside for an egg hunt and not freeze is great! We will definitely be dying eggs this weekend, and spending Sunday doing an egg hunt and enjoying time with family. Preston has mentioned it every single morning and is counting down the days!

For me, I have used the same basket every year for him that I bought when he was a baby. He gets so excited to take it out of storage and leave it out for the Easter bunny along with some carrots the night before. Today before school he stumped me, and asked where the bunny actually lives since Santa has a designated location. This kid gives me a run for my money on the daily. If you're scrambling last minute for baskets for your kids or other family members there still seems to be a lot left in the stores as of today (Wednesday) but I'm sure that wont be the case soon. So, get on it! Personally, I think everyone deserves an Easter basket, and there's so many cute affordable ways to make one. For Preston's basket, I usually start shopping about a month before when they start to put the stuff out. I don't like to add too much candy in his, so I usually stick with little toys he can tinker around with. I stopped at Target this year and was able to find a lot of goodies in the dollar spot section where everything ranged from one to three dollars. I did pick up two chocolates for him at a local health food store, because they're absolutely delicious from there and always have really cute holiday treats on the healthier side. Preston isn't really big on candy anyway, but he does love jelly beans and chocolate once in a while.

If you're married or are in a relationship, I think it's really fun to do baskets for each other. As I said before, the dollar spot at Target always has an array of things for every age. This past month they've had a lot of cute candles, home decor, gardening accessories, and even some really cute water bottles. If you want to add some more pricy items, you can always add gift cards, leggings, a bottle of wine, or perfume. As for men, you could add boxers, socks, tee shirts, gift cards, or cologne. The possibilities are really endless, and I think it's a lot of fun to take the time out to make a little something for whoever is special in your life. I also picked up some dog cookies for our dog, Shadow. He always likes to get in on holiday fun and there's nothing cuter than seeing him all involved tail wagging! If you celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Easter this Sunday!


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